Saturday, April 26, 2008

Malikai's Birthday

Happy Birthday Malikai Brunke !

Malikai turns 5 today and he invited me to his party at the park this afternoon.

Mailikai's Aunt is my best friend and she knows how the throw a party. I'll have Pictures tomorrow. Well, Tee Tee Trinkie (that's what he calls me) is off to get presents for the cutest 5 year old I know!

Friday, April 25, 2008

New Challenge from Shimelle

The 25 of Every Month Album

The idea of starting early comes both from saving time and for motivating you later on in the project. The idea is to record the 25th day of every month for one year, documenting a tiny snapshot of your everyday life. Some things will remain the same, others will change with the seasons, still others may change entirely in a year’s time.

This is the first time I've done anything with scrapbooking that I had to commit to for a whole year! I will have my album finished and posted Saturday.
So are you in?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Food for thought

How many families eat breakfast together? My family eats breakfast together about once a month on the weekend. You may say"I go to work early" ,"the kids are doing this or that." Its funny how easy it is to let the small, but important things go. I talk more to my kids while cooking or eating. They usually help me cook. Its a good way to help them learn also. They have to read, follow directions and measure. So if you think eating together is over rated you may want to think again.