The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had. ~Author Unknown
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had. ~Author Unknown
Friday, January 16, 2009
Project 365
Digital Scrapbooking
Friday, January 9, 2009
I'm Intentionally going keep up with my blog this year!
ALRIGHT..... here goes.... these are my....
- Be present.
- Keep it simple.
- Do it now.
- Seek to understand and accept.
- Be passionate.
- Do less.
- Purge
what does all this mean......
Focus on one thing at a time. No multitasking. Set small time frames to complete each task.
I seem to over complicate simple things. How this happens baffles me it must be a Gemini thing.
I REEEALLLLY procrastinate. Stop thinking, saying and just do it.
People lately have really been getting on my nerves and I fell I'm easy going. I could be wrong. I'll just be quiet and sit still for a while.
This goes back to be present sometimes I'm just here!
Less is more. I try to do to much at once after I finally start. LOL
I have just to much stuff especially scrapbooking supplies. Every month I will purge a room including my garage.
I'll call these my Zen Commandments.
I was here on Ali Eward's blog, intentional is my word for 2009, love her and she was reading this which led me here and here. I'm not into feng shui But anything to help my life for the better I'll try.
Also while trying to give my blog a lift I came across this cool site so I dropped a line with my support as a person in need of dropping a few pounds
The crafty stuff I'm doing right now. Trying to finish my daily December album that like a nut I combined with journal your Christmas which was way to much to even think about while working as a foreman and taking care of sick kids. I must have lost my mind! Lucky I had a couple weeks off and I plan to do less. The classes I'm taking right know are A life well crafted by Kollete Hall, Up and running one of three parts, its a self paced digital scrapbooking class By Jessica Sprague and Love myself in 2009 by Ashley Wren. Just like a nut to much.... so no more classes for at lest six months. I think I'll but up a countdown clock tomorrow. Oh I'm doing project 365. I want to post pics to my blog once a week.I actually got up early on New Years Day to order. Only to find out it was to early. LOL. The site was not selling the new kit. I went back to bed and lucky me ordered the kit not knowing all the problems they where having. The site seem a little slow but that was all. Any way Mine is on the way! This project is doable -is this a word? W
In my world as far as photography goes, Santa bought me a cannon power shot, love it. I thanked him personally. I have a Cannon 40D but sometimes its just to much to carry. My old camera a Kodak p850 died in August while I was @NTI in Tennesse. I want to take a photography class at the college or maybe Ritz's camera. My 40D has way more junk on it then my P850.
On the home front all is calm for RIGHT NOW! The kids are back in school yeah! I'll be back at work in a week or so.
Going backwards I want to post all the happenings since August, my last post kinda like a summary to keep the flow of my blog. Well thats, thats, thats all folks!