Sunday, February 1, 2009


I was surfing here the daily and came across this February is No-Spend Month it stuck a cord, since Friday my older sister called and our conversation went something like this:

my cell phone ringing...

Me: "Hey sister"..looking at the number she called from (work).

my sis:" Whatcha buying?"

me:" are you at the store" looking puzzled because how could she know I'm shopping. I now start looking around. And thinking I see someone who looks like my sis coming in the door of the store in which I was shopping, and may I add my friend Raquel does this to me all the time, we shop at the same places.

my sis: "I'm at work. Did you see the number I called from?"

me: "I did but... " I was way into shopping at this point. Embarrassed I start telling her how my friend Raquel pops up behind me in stores.

my sis: Laughing hysterical...she can't catch her breath.

me: Busted!!! all I can say is... My name Is Trina and I'm a shopaholic.

my sis: Explains when I'm shopping my voice and attention is compromised.

we finish our talk, she thanks me for making her day better. I make my purchase and leave the store.

which leds me to my fate in surfing this morning. I pledge to not spend more than $50 on scrapbook stuff and $100 on entertainment... shopping, movies, eating out, etc...

to make this offical my boyfriend must read it. He keeps me honest. he called me and I asked him to read my blog today. Maybe he will leave a comment.

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