Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Is beauty skin deep?

I thought I would start with beauty this week...

I've gone thru so many physical changes this year...

weight loss, hair loss, skin rashes, lost of joint flexibility due to RA. Its sometimes hard to keep the right perception of true beauty.

This one of my favorite pictures of me, in this picture I felt beautiful.

The Webster's dictionary defines beauty as:

1: the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : loveliness

2: a beautiful person or thing; especially : a beautiful woman

3: a particularly graceful, ornamental, or excellent quality

4: a brilliant, extreme, or egregious example or instance

How do you define beauty? Do you think you are beautiful? How you perceive other peoples beauty? These are question I had to ask my self this past year. Being sick I received a lot of stares,comments and questions about my appearance. some nice some not. So the next time you see some one how may not look what you feel is beautiful on the outside maybe you will try to see beauty from within.
WHAT HAVE I LEARNED TODAY? Beauty is and must always be deeper then skin. I am beautiful!

Below are pictures of my many phases of me being sick. I would not have even thought to post these pictures a year ago... but now I know they are just photos, triumphs over my illness.

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