Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Hello blog,

I have missed you but there were a few things I needed to do:

[x] Get control of my health
[x] Get my spirit/soul in a better place
[x] Find a career that makes me want to get up and go to it
[x] Finding something AWESOME everyday

Things I'm still working on:

[] Smiling naturally (family says there is always a frown on my face... I use to smile all the time)
[] daily Journaling
[] balancing family, work, play

Thinking of something AWESOME has become a daily thing in my life and I actually look forward to it. So I wanted to share this on my blog

1 comment:

Brown English Muffin said...

When my mother smile she has a frown on her face as well...I didn't even think it was possible until I look at her pictures!! LOL