Saturday, November 28, 2009


I didn't post on Thanksgiving day but the family had a laid back day. I spoke with alot of friends and family. We ate dinner about 7Pm my daughter inform me that was early this year. we all stated what we were gratefull for this past year and we watched a movie together.

Friday was another kick back day worked on my Christmas presents. here a little look.

Today I hope to start up Christmas decorations and visit my sister later she is getting new babes. I"ll post later.

Friday, November 20, 2009


It’s November a month of giving and being grateful for what we are blessed to have. So many people are losing jobs, homes and are hungry this year. I thought I would remind myself how lucky and blessed I am.

So here my list of what I’m grateful for:
1. That I wake up.
2. That God love Me
3. Chantel
4. Jarron
5. Sweets
6. The rest of my family
7. I spend more time with my family
8. Learning to live simpler
9. Edonna
10. Raquel
11. All my other friends
12. IBEW
13. JATC
14. MonaVie
15. I’m going Diamond in 2010
16. My home
17. My health
18. Scrapbooking
19. My December daily/Journal my Christmas album is finished
20. Quilting –something new
21. My blog is holiday cute
22. Thanksgiving is coming
23. We will have a great Thanksgiving dinner
24. I won’t be shopping on black Friday
25. Thanksgiving weekend we put up Christmas decorations
26. My Christmas gifts are close to being finished
27. I’m cutting back my holiday spending this year
28. My dad will be here for the holidays
29. Quel’s PJ Christmas breakfast is coming up
30. That I’m looking forward to the new year

What are you grateful 4?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


To my growing Princess I hope your coming days are always filled with joy and peace.

May all your dreams come true. I hope you know you can achieve anything your set mind to do.

My daughter went to work with me one Saturday to see want I do at the Nevada JATC.

She got to hang out and join some journeyman upgrade classes. She enjoyed welding the most. Now she wants a welder.LOL

This is my daughter extraordinary!


Thursday, November 5, 2009


I always wanted to have my blog festive for the holidays. So this year I'm all in. After my injury I'm learning to see things much different. Little things mean so much more to me now. Not to mention I have more free time.

So speaking of the holidays... I thought I would kick it off with a few cool finds...

For holiday planning...

Simplify 101 has a great workshop...


I'm signed up for this workshop and have downloaded the first lesson which has a great to-do lists which are made up as a planner to be used for many years to come. After the holiday there will be organizing tip for storage. We all need help with that.

Big picture just finished cut the crazy out of Christmas but... you can still buy the planner at

This planner was fun to make and I will use it again. I also give it as my first Christmas gift of the year to my friend Quel she is crazy for christmas like me so I knew she needed it.

If you are wanting to journal and or scrapbook your Christmas holidays try...

Journal your Christmas at

I took this class last year. You are given a prompt to journal, holiday photo ideas and scrapbook layout ideas everyday December1st through January6th.


December Daliy 2009 atAli Edwards blog.

With Ali you prepare your scrapbook in advance and each day you journal the happening of the day and add pictures & etc... (anything you want to remember) .

Suggestion you really want to start this early so you won't get behind with the construction of it and have to play catch up. THAT IS NO FUN! I did that last year very stressful.

This year I started when she started now I'm finished all I have to do is journal and finishing touches. I kept it super simple.

I do December Daily and Journal your Christmas together.

If your money is funny or you just like FREE try...

Holidays in Hand with Jessica Spague

I have not taken this class but if it is anything like her Stories at Hand class it's something not to be missed.

I hope this gives you ideas of how to keep your holidays simple, stressfree, journaled and creative.