Saturday, September 11, 2010

I love my Big Sister HAPPY BIRTHDAY

I love my Big Sister HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

It's my sisters Birthday today and it though it has become a sad day for all Americans (9-11) we choose to stay positive on this day for her. So NO TV today... NO CNN today.
WHAT HAVE I LEARNED TODAY? Make Birthdays as happy as can be... they only come once a year.

Friday, September 10, 2010


I have been coasting in my personal relationships I’m not giving more than I’m taking.

A relationship does not protect itself; it requires active work and humility. A way of life does not protect itself; it requires discipline and attention


Thursday, September 9, 2010


I think when we grow older we give up on dreaming, we set goals that we feel are attainable so we won’t be disappointed. Well I have dreams that I have set up as goals so I can achieve them.
WHAT HAVE I LEARNED TODAY? Don’t stop dreaming!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I am blessed

bless•ed adj.
1 held in reverence
2 of or enjoying HAPPINESS; specifically : enjoying the bliss of heaven —used as a title for a beatified person
3 bringing PLEASURE, contentment, or good fortune
I feel it… I see it… I know it.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I love paper

I didn’t learn this today. I love paper. All my life I’ve had a love affair with paper. As a kid I was always the teacher and made up forms and liked grading them, as a teenager I was into everything but paper, but as an adult I love photos, scrapbooking, card making and creating documents. I Like buying paper, I like looking at paper… anything paper… there It’s out!
WHAT HAVE I LEARNED TODAY? It’s ok to love paper.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Homework in my house

School has started, supplies are in backpacks, the daily routine started, and homework is sure to follow... after going to my kids school open house and meeting their teachers, I realized that my kids do their homework but I don't check to see if its neat, complete, if they really understood what they were doing... this will change today...they will do their homework at our kitchen table where I will be watching closely. WHAT HAVE I LEARNED TODAY? Be constant in training your kids for life.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


It’s not about quality it's quantity. I invited 15 people to my craft party, only 3 rsvped, 2 actually came. I had as much fun with the 2, proably more fun then if my house where full of people.
WHAT HAVE I LEARNED TODAY? You really only have a few friends.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Purge my stuff

I realize how blessed I am, everytime I purge my stuff. My life has changed and I'm finally at a place in my life that I need less stuff. After my health failed stuff could not help me, it actually got in my way. You have to store stuff. Stuff is not free it cost you money. Stuff is usually a want more than need. Stuff needs to be cleaned. If people see your stuff they sometimes want to steal it. Long ramble short... LESS IS MORE ! Purge some of your stuff...maybe it will help someone who really needs it.

WHAT HAVE I LEARN TODAY? Throw or give some things away.

Friday, September 3, 2010

weight loss

I used to weigh 287 pounds at my heaviest. I now weigh 210. I lost weight because I was sick, between reactions to medicine and food allergies there were a lot of things I could not eat. I had tried to loose weight all of my life. I started in my late teens, I've never been under 180lbs as an adult. Funny how things happen... I lost weight not really trying... ironic. WHAT HAVE I LEARNED TODAY? Things happen at Gods speed ....not yours.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I love my hair short.

I've always had a decent length of hair for a Afro-American, at times it has been long, very thick and jet black. I loved my hair. The movie Good Hair that Chris rock made publicized Afro-American women and there hair struggles. It started much controversy and hopefully open up the eyes of everyone. But even before the movie I always thought that me having long hair made me more attractive, and only have worn my hair short a few times in my life, usually after it had been damaged some how.

Now after all my struggles this past year I decided to cut my hair. I put it off for months scared not to have hair, but it was falling out, I had bald spots, it was thinning and I have so much grey now. Then I had to ask myself... am I only as good as my hair? I've spent to much money to talk about...on my hair. So I let it go... I love my hair short, its easy to deal with since my fingers don't always cooperate. Because I've lost weight it fits my face better. I used less product and you need a great hair dresser as an Afro-American with short hair its all in the cut! Found her! I'm in hair heaven. I know this may sound kinda silly, but its my truth and I'm stickin with it. WHAT HAVE I LEARNED TODAY? Hair doesn't make you beautiful that comes from within.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Is beauty skin deep?

I thought I would start with beauty this week...

I've gone thru so many physical changes this year...

weight loss, hair loss, skin rashes, lost of joint flexibility due to RA. Its sometimes hard to keep the right perception of true beauty.

This one of my favorite pictures of me, in this picture I felt beautiful.

The Webster's dictionary defines beauty as:

1: the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : loveliness

2: a beautiful person or thing; especially : a beautiful woman

3: a particularly graceful, ornamental, or excellent quality

4: a brilliant, extreme, or egregious example or instance

How do you define beauty? Do you think you are beautiful? How you perceive other peoples beauty? These are question I had to ask my self this past year. Being sick I received a lot of stares,comments and questions about my appearance. some nice some not. So the next time you see some one how may not look what you feel is beautiful on the outside maybe you will try to see beauty from within.
WHAT HAVE I LEARNED TODAY? Beauty is and must always be deeper then skin. I am beautiful!

Below are pictures of my many phases of me being sick. I would not have even thought to post these pictures a year ago... but now I know they are just photos, triumphs over my illness.

National Sewing Month

Today starts...

So I have mentioned before I have Rheumatoid Arthritis... which makes it hard for me to sew sometimes but I found these @ Joannes and they are great! They cost $16.99 and worth every penny. They give your fingers support and keep your joints warm, which helped me finish my pillows for my sofa...yeah!

These are my pillows... they have zippers that I learn to sew in my sewing class. Can you tell I'm thrilled?
My sofa is not the most fashionable but it is comfortable, which allows me to get off the couch. I have what we call the "expensive chair" and they both came from Lazyboy furniture , the only store that had sofas high enough for me to sit comfortable.

SEW SOMETHING...this month.