Monday, November 26, 2012

Journal Your Christmas/December Daily

It's almost time...


December Daily Twenty-Twelve


Are you playing this year?


Monday, hanging out with my bestie Q at my office inputting info for our annual Angel Tree.

Tuesday, Making EWMC - (Electrical Workers Minority Caucus) Angel Tree angel tags to put on the tree.

Wednesday, Kick off to the HOLIDAYS... I love this time of year. Started cooking for Thanksgiving dinner. We are having ham, dressing, country greens, potato salad  mac & cheese and red velvet cake. Met Small fry's mom nice lady.

Thursday, Thanksgiving day spent with family. And yes I have the ISTIS ( eating to much and just wanting to take a nap afterward)

Friday, Girls day... I hung out with my bestie Small fry and her Mom from out of town. Wow a 2 hour message, Dinner at Melos Cellar in Boulder City. Ran out of time no nails or toes and eyebrows look like Burt from Sesame Street.

Saturday, I have a business that allows me to work on my time and my family is very supportive. My kids help me move some office furniture yesterday, then went to Red Robin for dinner. Later we watched Lincoln the vampire slayer my sons picks, it was pretty good. To bed early.

Sunday, Electrical problem at my house... for an electrician hmmm...getter done. So thankful my Dad had all girls and wanted a boy. We are all very independent GIRLS...AKA TOMBOYS...

Thursday, November 22, 2012



Sunday, November 18, 2012


Monday, two new contracts for more classes...yeah

Tuesday, Grateful I have my own business

Wednesday, the ole man had a doctors appointment, doctor says he doing better but we still have a ways to go. I'm so glad we have over come his health care scare last month.

Thursday, had a blast at Union meeting. It's always fun we (EWMC) cook dinner for the stewards and the members. We also put up our angel tree. Its helps our members in need and we have a local charity we support.

Friday, held class at JATC, grateful for this teaching gig, it has really help supported our family through hard times. Thanks Madison...

Saturday, last day of OSHA 10 class at JATC. After class hung out with other instructors just talking about life as we know it. Grateful for co-workers that care.

Sunday,  A day off... REST!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Veteran's Day


  1. Monday a good day, the ole man had dinner ready when I got home. I spend time with my stepson I had not seen in years, he has grown to be a handsome and kind young man.
  2. Tuesday,  glad I could support my friend (Q) when she needed me, it was one the worse days of my best friend's life, her boyfriend was murdered last night while she was expecting him to come over for dinner. I spend the day with her to keep her company, we actually drive to St. George, Utah for the day...sometimes you just want to run-a-way so we did. I hate to say but I think this week won't be so nice. I'm also thankful in one word...OBAMA, watching the election results was hard on my stomach it was in knots, so glad it's over so much mud slinging.
  3. Wednesday, back to work, needed to play catch after our drive yesterday. Just so thankful for my family I almost don't want to let them out of my sight. You just don't now how much time you have so enjoy every moment. Hung out with my best friend (Q) we watched Magic Mike such a silly movie, glad I'm older I rather have the real thing plus not one chocolate body...
  4. Thursday, I had breakfast with another best friend (small fry) and her bestie visiting from Michigan, I had heard so much about her. She was really nice and very funny to but I didn't expect any different cause my friend is super nice...actually the nicest person I know. Checked in on my best friend (Q) she having a ok day, which is all I can ask for, she hungout with her family today. 
  5. Friday, uneventful...thats what I'm grateful for. Stopped my my office, then off to teach a class. My friend (Q) that had the awful week is having another ok day...My heart aches for her.
  6. Saturday, early morning OSHA class until two o'clock. Treated the kids to late lunch at the DQ $5 meal deal fries you say only onion rings...I love rings. It was nice being around my kids they are so funny. The ole man out of town for the day on business. Another ok day for my friend (Q) worried about her no breakdown yet...hmmm.
  7. Sunday, my daughters 18th birthday, she is legal, I'm so proud of her. She graduates high school this year. I think she is a little worried about the grown up thing. I made zuppa toscana soup its one of her favorites. We had cake and Ice cream then she opened her gifts. We like simple birthdays in this house. Well my friend (Q) didn't have a good day but I'm glad to say she has wonderful friends who helped her through. The funeral is next week I really don't know if she will take that well but, I'll be ready to support her any way I can...
Note: I have three best friends this is serious stuff. I don't take lightly to calling people my friends, let alone best friend. So E is my childhood bestie, Q we have been besties for twelve years, and small fry four years. I love them all their personalities are so different. I am truly blessed the say I have Three Best Friends.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012


My Plan is to post every Sunday what I have been grateful for the week prior. So wish me the best on this endeavor.
  1. It isThursday and a new month...October was hell!  My ole man was in the hospital. He is doing better.  I learned that I'm strong but I can't handle everything and I really need to ask for help.  My friends are the best and they really came through for our family in October.
  2. Friday I started Diet pills...My doctor is not happy about my weight gain and neither am I.  (60lbs) For the record I weigh 264.  I"m not ashamed of my size but I know its not healthy for my joints. I need to seriously make time for me and my health. Sitting at a desk all day won't do it.
  3. Saturday I Worked, having income... I teach part time electrical theory and safety for my local union apprenticeship. I love it. I started a business 20 months ago and it's doing well considering the economy.  Do I love it?  Some parts, I love teaching (occupational safety awareness), I use be an electrician. I miss building things. The business world is brutal, so many games. I love having control over my schedule.  I really want a more creative career I've been thinking about seriously going back to school for Graphic design.  Hmmm we will see...                                                                             
  4. It's Sunday I have learned everyone needs down time and I'm no different, I used to think I was different that is, I could go, go, go, I am getting older, what a concept.  Funny how illness changes your view of things. I actually scrapbooked last night I hadn't in almost a year. I love scrapbooking paper or digital makes no difference to me. I signed up for classes I knew I didn't have time for or would just surf the net looking at crafty things, wishing I had time to scrapbook. Everyone knows I have enough paper. I use to plan craft parties, invite friends, serve them a nice meal. I would always try some new recipe and decorate with a theme. December 2011 was my last party. I think I will start having parties again, they make me happy!

Note:The I banner made is from the Autumn Splendor kit by Megan Turnidge you can find it here.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hello Again...

Well, I have been away for awhile. I did miss blogging but my life had become filled with a lot of stuff to do and I had to make choices about what was most important, and oh yeah and I only have one follower thanks Ms. Brown English Muffin...

My life has lots of happenings since I last blogged...

My daughter is a senior in high school, class of 2013. On her birthday in November she will become an adult the big 18. We live in Vegas so you really want to be 21 so you can enjoy the many Casinos we have here. We have started fun of college applications.

My son turns 16 in December. He wants a drivers license. Maybe. He is a good teenager given all of the stories I hear from my friends and coworkers. 

The ole man had some serious health problems that sent him to the hospital last month. He is doing much better, so we are very blessed and we know it.

I have been on the roller coaster ride of my life. After being injured on the job, surgery on my knee, my battle with the nasty RA, losing a career I loved as an electrician, starting a business and like a lot of Americans wondering if I will be able to keep my home.    

I have realized that their are still a lot of things I want to do and have not had the chance to yet. I Still feel Like I should have a career that is more creative. I love paper yes I do. I love messing around with my photoshop and planning events for the organizations I belong to.  But can I make a living doing this and would my family disown me because I would disappear without a trace while doing these things.  Case in point: I've been in my scraproom for most of the day. I most admit I have not scrapbooked in almost a year. Just been lusting over pretty paper and digital kits. I have attempted to take online classes with not much success, except my last Shimelle class scrapbook remix that started in late October. Oh and my project life class at Big Picture Classes. This class is to get ready for next year 2013. So I bought the project 365 binder kit in I don't know 2008 or 2009, never used it so when the class came up at BPC I told myself you don't have to by a thing...right, of course I needed something. I want to do a 180 days album for my daughter's senior year, we will see how that works out.

I really want to slow down and decide what really makes me the happiest and do that. So what is that? good question... I can't be still long enough to figure it out. My soul is restless. Any advise out there for a restless soul? I have been praying...and it has really helped kept me calm. Have I said I've slowed down...Really I have. I guess I need to pray, get still and listen very well... 

Because I know Beautiful Changes Are Coming...