Tuesday, December 1, 2009



I can officially say Happy Holidays. Well our tree is up thanks to my family. I could not have done it without them. The inside of my home is very festive. My old man says he will start on the outside today. I would normally help him but after my knee surgery the ladder is not an option for a while.

We take pride that our Christmas holiday light display is one of the best on the block. I believe lights should look as if you had a plan or design for them. They should be hung neat and should not look like you just threw them up. If on a timer they should come on at the same time not 5 or 10 minutes apart. And most of all, the family should have fun putting the lights up.

My sister that challenged me to a crafty Christmas chuckled when she saw my last post about her. I'm still working to completing my homemade gifts. I hope you have started sis-ter! The clock is ticking...

My dad will be here in 15 days it’s always a pleasure to see that OLD MAN...he gets funnier with age. I guess I should explain the old man thing... it’s really a term of endearment. I call my dad OLD MAN, he calls me Old Girl. I don't really know how it started. He is no spring chick and I'll be forty next year. When I call him and say "hey OLD MAN" he knows it’s me.

I sometimes call my boyfriend.... my old man. I fell I'm to O L D to use the term boyfriend... and I guess I like to see the reaction when other people hear me say it. Their reactions are really funny. Once a man heard me call my boyfriend old man and asked my boyfriend "you’re going to let her call you old?" he just laughed and said "that’s me". He's a bit older then I am, I like my men seasoned.

I wanted to post pics of my sisters new babes but she said she wanted them to look pretty for their first post. They were spayed and can't take a bath for ten days...stinky. I'll tell you this they are cute and I helped pick their names Bianca, TEA, and Chloe'. Her boyfriend says they act like us, the three sisters and they should be named after us, I didn't care but we figured my little sister may not be too happy. They are Pomeranians she saved from a pet shelter, all from the same home. Never in a millions years did I think my sister would have three dogs at one time. It must be the Christmas spirit.

Enough ramblings...It’s the first day of December... so it’s time to Journal Your Christmas or December Daily or BOTH.


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