Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hello Again...

Well, I have been away for awhile. I did miss blogging but my life had become filled with a lot of stuff to do and I had to make choices about what was most important, and oh yeah and I only have one follower thanks Ms. Brown English Muffin...

My life has lots of happenings since I last blogged...

My daughter is a senior in high school, class of 2013. On her birthday in November she will become an adult the big 18. We live in Vegas so you really want to be 21 so you can enjoy the many Casinos we have here. We have started fun of college applications.

My son turns 16 in December. He wants a drivers license. Maybe. He is a good teenager given all of the stories I hear from my friends and coworkers. 

The ole man had some serious health problems that sent him to the hospital last month. He is doing much better, so we are very blessed and we know it.

I have been on the roller coaster ride of my life. After being injured on the job, surgery on my knee, my battle with the nasty RA, losing a career I loved as an electrician, starting a business and like a lot of Americans wondering if I will be able to keep my home.    

I have realized that their are still a lot of things I want to do and have not had the chance to yet. I Still feel Like I should have a career that is more creative. I love paper yes I do. I love messing around with my photoshop and planning events for the organizations I belong to.  But can I make a living doing this and would my family disown me because I would disappear without a trace while doing these things.  Case in point: I've been in my scraproom for most of the day. I most admit I have not scrapbooked in almost a year. Just been lusting over pretty paper and digital kits. I have attempted to take online classes with not much success, except my last Shimelle class scrapbook remix that started in late October. Oh and my project life class at Big Picture Classes. This class is to get ready for next year 2013. So I bought the project 365 binder kit in I don't know 2008 or 2009, never used it so when the class came up at BPC I told myself you don't have to by a thing...right, of course I needed something. I want to do a 180 days album for my daughter's senior year, we will see how that works out.

I really want to slow down and decide what really makes me the happiest and do that. So what is that? good question... I can't be still long enough to figure it out. My soul is restless. Any advise out there for a restless soul? I have been praying...and it has really helped kept me calm. Have I said I've slowed down...Really I have. I guess I need to pray, get still and listen very well... 

Because I know Beautiful Changes Are Coming...

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