Monday, November 5, 2012


My Plan is to post every Sunday what I have been grateful for the week prior. So wish me the best on this endeavor.
  1. It isThursday and a new month...October was hell!  My ole man was in the hospital. He is doing better.  I learned that I'm strong but I can't handle everything and I really need to ask for help.  My friends are the best and they really came through for our family in October.
  2. Friday I started Diet pills...My doctor is not happy about my weight gain and neither am I.  (60lbs) For the record I weigh 264.  I"m not ashamed of my size but I know its not healthy for my joints. I need to seriously make time for me and my health. Sitting at a desk all day won't do it.
  3. Saturday I Worked, having income... I teach part time electrical theory and safety for my local union apprenticeship. I love it. I started a business 20 months ago and it's doing well considering the economy.  Do I love it?  Some parts, I love teaching (occupational safety awareness), I use be an electrician. I miss building things. The business world is brutal, so many games. I love having control over my schedule.  I really want a more creative career I've been thinking about seriously going back to school for Graphic design.  Hmmm we will see...                                                                             
  4. It's Sunday I have learned everyone needs down time and I'm no different, I used to think I was different that is, I could go, go, go, I am getting older, what a concept.  Funny how illness changes your view of things. I actually scrapbooked last night I hadn't in almost a year. I love scrapbooking paper or digital makes no difference to me. I signed up for classes I knew I didn't have time for or would just surf the net looking at crafty things, wishing I had time to scrapbook. Everyone knows I have enough paper. I use to plan craft parties, invite friends, serve them a nice meal. I would always try some new recipe and decorate with a theme. December 2011 was my last party. I think I will start having parties again, they make me happy!

Note:The I banner made is from the Autumn Splendor kit by Megan Turnidge you can find it here.

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