Sunday, December 18, 2011

JYC Day 17

The Perfect Gift
The perfect gift is always one of the following:
  1. A gift made with love and thought. Like a knitted hat & scarf or a quilt made with your favorite color. The cute little gifts you kids make for you at school.
  2. A gift you asked for. It meant you really listened to them, which means you heard them, you payed attention to them. That gift you asked for but thought there was no way you would get it.
I did't go to church today. I don't go every sunday but most sundays I do. It was raining really bothering my RA. I stayed in and rested. later in the afternoon I prepared for my son's Birthday tomorrow JC will be fifteen...WOW time flies. He requested lasagna and of course Peach cobbler nope no birthday cake for him. So I started preparing the lasagna and told him he had to help me so he could learn to make it for himself and my son says" mom you could have bought a frozen lasagna" My reply "who wants frozen lasagna for there birthday?" I use to always make it fresh, until I met my ole man he claims he can't cook so to help when I was working late he prepare frozen lasagna. By the way everything he cooks taste great I think I got duked. Tried another cookie recipe needs some work. But I had this butternut squash from the co-op) that I need to use so I made butternut squash soup, it was good so here the recipe.

Butternut Squash soup


  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 stalk celery, chopped
  • 1 medium carrot, chopped
  • 2 medium potatoes, cubed
  • 1 medium butternut squash - peeled, seeded, and cubed
  • 1 (32 fluid ounce) container chicken stock
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


  1. Melt the butter in a large pot, and cook the onion, celery, carrot, potatoes, and squash 5 minutes, or until lightly browned. Pour in enough of the chicken stock to cover vegetables. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover pot, and simmer 40 minutes, or until all vegetables are tender.
  2. Transfer the soup to a blender, and blend until smooth. Return to pot, and mix in any remaining stock to attain desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper.
**** I Baked my squash first @ 350 degrees for 1 hour then peeled, seeded and cubed. Really brought out the flavor.****

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